Arts Education | Advancement, Action and Advocacy | Project Management | Fundraising

Multi-Disciplinary Artist and Arts Administrator

Diverse portfolio of work below.



Fundraising & Event Planning

My career in Pensacola began at Pensacola Habitat for Humanity, where I quickly distinguished myself, winning Rookie of the Year and earning a promotion within my first year. I significantly increased volunteer engagement and streamlined fundraising efforts including helping increase success of Federal Programming by 120%. I also managed major community and fundraising events that raised over $450,000.

Now with the Pensacola Children’s Chorus, I have raised over 10% of our operating budget through the events I have planned. This is in addition to the substantial income from corporate sponsorships, individual donors, and grants I have curated and secured.

While at Cara Mía Theatre, I wrote and graphically-designed Study Guides comprised of a Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook for six of our virtual offerings as part of a commission from the Dallas Independent School District. These guides are still used when selling in-person and virtual offerings with DISD and other schools, organizations, and for-profit organizations.

Study Guides

Over the years, I have designed and taught lessons for students as young as three all the way through college age. During my positions with Cara Mía Theatre, Dallas Theater Center, Dixon School for Arts and Sciences, and others, I was tasked with creating engaging lessons that taught the content and themes of various plays and repertoire and were also centered in social and emotional learning.

Lesson Plans

Community Action

During my position with Cara Mía Theatre, I managed all of the community programs we offered. These included circles of community care, talk-backs after plays, youth nights and the theatre, community conversations and panels, community performances and workshops, virtual classes and workshops for adults. In addition, I served as line-producer on long-term and multi-year projects, including the Community Tour of Your Healing is Killing Me and the La Siembra Project.

Data Collection

Throughout my career, I have used surveys to measure the success of various programs and find areas for growth. During the pandemic, I frequently turned to data-driven programming to best serve a variety of communities and their needs through our work. I created and analyzed surveys from educators, parents, and our community to make decisions on what programs were needed and how they needed to be built and offered. Cara Mia’s virtual offerings, including our workshops, summer camps, and recorded plays that are still being used in Texas school districts today, are a result of my data-driven decision making and personal relationship to my community.

Now at the Pensacola Children’s Chorus, I work with our Artistic team to build quality surveys to meet the various needs of our organization. These surveys touch on key personal and academic goals. They are phrased in easy-to-understand ways that can be translated to important data-points that show how well we are doing and highlight our areas for growth. These vary from showing that 98% of our singers agree they feel like the Chorus is an environment they belong in to 96% agreeing that membership in PCC boosts their literacy. These data-points can be critical in the grant writing space and when speaking throughout the community. Additionally, I have streamlined and grown our demographic reporting, allowing us to promote an honest picture of our organization and who we serve. I believe that in all things advancement, good data is key.

Graphic Design and Marketing

In all my positions, I often designed my own graphics and newsletters to promote events and programs. Additionally, I collected email data and organized it into targeted email lists. I also created Programmatic Marketing Plans for Cara Mia Theatre’s Education and Community programs for both ticketed and free events. I am proficient with Canva, InDesign, Lightroom, Photoshop, iMovie, Adobe Premier, Wix, SquareSpace, ConstantContact, and more. I also pick up new softwares easily.